If you bang your head you may experience symptoms of concussion. Some people refer to this as a minor head injury. This is not a serious event but you may have some symptoms after concussion which may make you feel unwell. You may feel nauseous, vomit, have double vision, headaches or feel confused. These are all quite common symptoms which should get better over one to two weeks. If this does not improve we recommend that you see your GP or return to A & E if you were seen there.
There are a few handy tips of things that you should or should not do. These include -
- Making sure you stay within reach of a telephone and medical help in the next few days
- Have plenty of rest and avoid stressful situations
- Discuss possible symptoms with your family so that they can keep an eye on your condition
- You can take painkillers such as paracetamol for headaches; follow the user instructions on the box. However, it is not recommended that you take Aspirin unless you have discussed this with your doctor
- It is recommended that you don’t stay at home alone for 48 hours after leaving hospital and don’t drink alcohol until you feel better
- Don’t return to work until you feel ready and don’t play any contact sport for at least three weeks without consulting your doctor
- Do not return to driving until you feel you have recovered. If in doubt consult your doctor.
Post-concussion syndrome
Some people may have persistent symptoms which do not resolve over time. These symptoms include nausea, headaches, dizziness, impaired concentration, memory problems, extreme tiredness, intolerance to light and noise, and can lead to anxiety and depression. There are no specific treatments for post-concussion symptoms but you can discuss it with your GP who may offer advice on how to manage these symptoms. Some people report that they benefit from taking anti-depressants or psychotherapy to manage the symptoms.