Are you interested in getting involved with research projects about the experience of, and treatments for, traumatic injury?
AfterTrauma is supported by the Centre for Trauma Sciences (C4TS), based near the Royal London Hospital Major Trauma Centre, Whitechapel. C4TS is a world-leading Centre of excellence for translational research at Barts and the London School of Medicine & Dentistry (SMD). C4TS research spans the entire patient journey from the immediate post-injury phase, pre-hospital care, acute treatments and rehabilitation outcomes. The Centre also has a public policy stream that looks at injury prevention and influencing public health policies.
C4TS are looking for former trauma patients, carers and members of the public who would like to contribute to our research program. This can take many forms - for example:
- help us and our funders to decide which research to prioritise
- help researchers write plain English summaries of research proposals that lay people can understand
- offer advice as members of a project steering group
- sit on ethics committees
- comment on and develop research materials
- help develop patient information sheets
- collaborate with researchers on the design and delivery of projects
- undertake interviews with research participants
Public and patient involvement (PPI) in health research makes it more likely the research will result in benefits that patients really value. This is because PPI programs help:
- make sure that researchers ask the right questions and in a way that the public understand
- keep the research on track so that it stays relevant
- make sure the people being researched are approached in the right way
- improve the quality of the research by adding another point of view to the design and conduct.
C4TS has set up a group of enthusiastic trauma survivors, carers and interested members of the public to help input into research called Patient/Public Advisers for Injury Research (PAIR).
You can find out more about PAIR here.
If you would like to get involved with trauma research in any of these ways, including joining PAIR, please contact the PPI Lead James Here.
James will discuss your ideas and interest, and can outline current opportunities to feed into research projects.