Intensive care

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Intensive care

by Angiek » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:25 pm

My daughter was in a coma in the intensive care unit after a serious car accident and was told she would not remember anything anyone said to her or around her whilst she was in a coma as I was scared she would remember so did not want anyone talking around her bed of their concerns for her. I was shocked to find that when she came out the coma she knew most of the stuff said to her. Even down to people who had visited her. Some stuff was jumbled a bit even when we went back to visit icu she had noticed a nurses voice and told me that she had also looked after her and she was right. What are others experiences with being in or a family/friend in a coma
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Re: Intensive care

by nicole_s » Fri May 01, 2015 12:59 pm

Hi Angie, that must have been quite astonishing experience for you, I hope your daughter is on her way to recovery now? I suspect it happens more than we think though. There is a site you might find helpful called Intensive Care Unit steps. There is a lot of information there about what people experience in ICU, what are the causes and how people respond after intensive care treatment and comas, hope this helps:
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Re: Intensive care

by Lucy&Campbell » Wed May 20, 2015 8:23 am

Hi Angie

I was always told that was the case that people can hear so when my fiancé was in a coma I did the same and made sure that he didn't hear me cry and that we remained positive for him. Unfortunately due to the part of the brain that he damaged, his memory is hugely affected so he doesn't remember anything about being in a coma bit I would like to think that in the moment he could hear me and felt some reassurance :-).

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Re: Intensive care

by DuncanBuckley » Mon Oct 17, 2016 2:31 pm

Hi Angie,

From my own experience of being in an induced coma, I'm afraid I had a much different result than your daughter. I don't know whether it was the drugs they used to induce and keep me under, but I couldn't hear anything. My wife did continually talk to me, just in case I was able to, but it was totally dark for me.

As the drugs were steadily reduced, I have fleeting memories (almost dreamlike) of the hospital room and visiting relatives but nothing continuous until I was able to remain conscious for longer periods. However, much like your daughter, I remembered the voice and tones of surgical professor that oversaw my case in Critical Care. I met him during a PPI patient involvement meeting and, closing my eyes, instantly recognised his voice.

I hope your daughter is recovering well. All our thoughts are with you.

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